Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Knob Head

First a note to follow on from yesterday. Yes Abby, you are absolutely correct, WMDs were not the only reason the US attacked Iraq. No other reason was put to the Security Council however. Had the US gone to the Security Council with an argument about regime change, maybe the council might have sanctioned an invasion. Had the US claimed that an invasion was necessary to relieve tension on the Iran-Iraq border, they may have had a favourable response. But they didn't. They went to the Security Council and claimed Saddam was a military threat. The Security Council disagreed, quite rightly as it turns out, and overturned the resolution. Consquently, Iraq was invaded against the wishes of the UN and China will undoubtedly bring this up if/when accused of the same thing. As I have said here before, the most worrying thng about the entire Iraq fiasco is the fact that the most powerful nation in the world undermined the UN.

I meant to mention yesterday that I saw the movie "Ray". I've been purposely avoiding this film because Ray Charles was something of a hero of mine and bios tend to have a way of destroying my illusions about people. However, it was showing on the plane from Bankok to London, so I thought I'd give it a go, and I'm very glad I did. Charles wasn't portrayed as a God that could do no wrong, but I still came away thinking he was fairly cool. I knew he had had a drug problem in his past, though not the extent of it. I hadn't realised that he was a womaniser. It was brilliantly done anyway, and Jamie Foxx got it just about exactly right. I recommend it. I'd give it 8.5/10.

The above two paragraphs were written at the office, but due to horrendous amount of work, that's all I had time to write. I didn't leave the office until about 7.15 and I was quite looking forward to coming home and relaxing, finishing off this entry etc. Upon reaching the apartment however, I realised that I couldn't get in due to the fact that my keys were in my jacket pocket on the other side of the door.

The fact that it was piddling down with rain in Taipei and the Dragon was on the other side of the city teaching English did little to lift my mood. I had to settle myself in a convenient coffee shop for an hour while I waited for the Dragon to return with her keys. And did I get any sympathy from her? Well sort of, she made a colourful notice for the door which states in warm, friendly letters:

In other news, it's Mother's birthday, so happy birthday Mother.


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