Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Norah's Coming!

So, I seem to have incurred the wrath of at least one Dan Brown fan. Let me explain myself here. The Da Vinci Code is exciting, compelling, and brilliantly researched. Good literature it is not, Brown is no Hemmingway, but I can forgive him that; few people are. However, the entire plot becomes farcical in the final 10 pages. The entire premise upon which the plot was built, was the assumption that Sauniere was the last surviving keeper of the secret. When it turned out that he wasn't, the idea that he went to so much trouble to pass the secret on in a secure manner becomes ridiculous. Unless someone can supply a reason that I have missed as to why Sauniere did what he did, then I am sticking with my feeling on this.

On an entirely different note, James says I should use a spell checker before I post these entries. He's probably right. Even if I was a world-class speller, which I am not, I still make typos. However, I treat spell checkers in much the same way as I treat elastic bow ties. It's the snob in me. I feel that one is degraded by not doing things properly. However, while I can tie a mean bow tie, I admit that my journal entries are error ridden. I'm torn now. I think I'll put this entry through the checker to determine how many errors there are, and then make a decision. I'd like to be good at spelling. What's the secret James?

Norah Jones is coming to Taiwan on Monday. Why did no-one tell me about this? I've just investigated tickets and there are a few left. The Dragon has a mission to secure some for us.

Has anyone noticed by the way, that the Dragon has actually got around to writing something on her journal page? Buggered if I know what it says. Click.

The covers of the new Harry Potter book have been released and can be seen here. I realise that not everyone gets as excited about things HP as I do, but there you go, my journal.

Just received a note from James. Believe me, I am not unaware of your fondness for double negatives. Why is "not unacquainted with the ways of men" a pathetic attempt at a euphemism? One can't go around calling the heir to the throne a poof you know.

We've had a stroke of luck in the furniture department. Someone wants to buy all of it. Which means we can now move without worrying about what to do with bed, couch, etc.

The Michael Jackson trial has heard of actual abuse for the first time, but it would seem that the defence are doing a fine job of portraying the accusing family as unreliable.

The US has spoken out against China's new legislation that would allow them to attack Taiwan. This is good news though I am doubtful that George even knows where Taiwan is. “Asia you say, is that near Mexico?"


At 4:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The ways of men", as far as I know, has no precedent as a euphemism for male homosexual relations, and sounds ridiculously broad. "The ways of men" - does that mean the ways of being able to read maps, visualise shapes in three dimensions etc etc?

As for spelling -- I never said you were a bad speller. They're typos. Sure, go back and proof it by yourself, but a spell-checker will save you a lot of hassle.

And you ragged my distaste for spell-checkers.


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