Friday, March 04, 2005

Something Wrong

There's something seriously wrong with Taiwan this morning. When I woke up, it wasn't pissing down with rain and I swear I saw some blue sky. No, really, I shit you not; it was there, just a slither, but it was there. It's gone now of course.

The wife appears to have got over her flu, but still has a snot problem. Sorry, there's no other way to put it. I can deal with it, I just wish it didn't cause the intense snorring issue. It's not ladylike you know.

We discovered yesterday that we can mail 20kg of garbage to UK for NT$1,200. I realise this sounds like about the same price as a second hand family car, but that actually equates to about 20 GBP or $40 (US). That strikes me as a damn good deal. I can't decide whether to tell the parents to expect a couple of huge boxes, or just surprise them. Apaprently it does take about 2-3 months. That's about walking pace isn't it?

Sumedha is taking the morning off today, James only works afternoons now, Don is misisng in action, Jamie always comes in late, which means I am the only writer here. It's a bit lonely, but at least I can get on with something of my own. If I hadn't destroyed my novel in the flash disk incident, I could get on with that. It would even look like I was working. Did I mention that we had a new young lady start last week called Ariel? She left on day two because management here wouldn't tell her what her salary was. We had another woman start at the same time and she also appears to have left. It amazes me that no-one has noticed the incredible staff turn-over we have in this office and questioned it. Not my problem.

I've just read James' comments at House of the Dragon. Do pistachios really smell like sex? That bag of nuts was on my desk yesterday.

I'm concerned, I think I have girl's hands. I've just read a thing about fingers, and apparently women tend to have index fingers and ring fingers of nearly equal length. Men on the other hand usually have ring fingers much longer than index fingers. But my ring and index fingers are almost equal in length on both hands. This is all linked to testosterone it seems, and the shorter one's index finger is compared to the ring finger, the more "boistrous" one is supposed to be. I would seem to have a very long index finger, or short ring finger, depending on your point of view, and that makes me a fairy. On top of that, I've just been told that my trousers look like girl's trousers. I'm going to make a subtle study of office fingers and report back. Here's the study.

I take back everything I said yesterday about OD RSS feeds working now, they don't. I can get the diary master feed to work, and my own, sometimes, but not Abby's.

Not really any time for any more, so I'm going to leave it here for today. I might do something tomorrow since I have to go to the office.


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