Tuesday, March 01, 2005

RJ at the OU

Well here I am at work with blue hair and it has caused a certain amount of amusement already. And it's only 8.45am. It seems that the boss has managed to get flu and is off work today and James has announced that he's going part-time from tomorrow. So that's 1.5 writers we've lost from this office in the last 5 days, not including the boss.

I've got the diary migrated to the web site. Actually, no point in lying about this, I've got the diary working on the website, but I haven't migrated anything except the last entry. But the atom feed works (unlike the OD RSS feed) and I'm pleased with the weekend's progress. I didn't get any of the Chinese side working, but the Flash bit does scale properly now (that was an adventure) and there is a blog set up on there just waiting for Em to write something wonderful. Go and have a look anyway...


I must do a banner.

Before anyone tells me, I am aware that the OD RSS feed does now work, I just tried it. It didn't work the last 400 times I tried it though.

The Michael Jackson trial has started, and the media are desperately trying to find something interesting or scandalous to report, but are failing miserably.

Oscars night has gone ahead and no-one appears to have disgraced themselves sadly, so that was a bit of a non event as far as the tabloid press is concerned.

Prince Charles has pissed everyone off after reporter Gavin Hewitt revealed that Charles said that he didn't like the way the British public treated him over the Camilla affair was exposed. You're just unlucky with Hewitts aren't you Charles. It's worth noting here that the British public didn't think much of the way you handled the Diana affair either. It now seems that 2/3 of the British public would rather see William crowned king than Charles. Personally I think we should run a national lottery style event to decide the next monarch.

A new study out today claims that smoking pot almost doubles the risk of mental illness. This is not new enws but it is the first time I have seen such alarming figures quoted. The study seems to have followed over 1000 people, born in 1977. It's worth a read, click here.

I see that veteran porn star Ron Jeremy is to address the Oxford Union. The union debating society has in the past been addressed by Ronald Reagan, Mother Teresa, and Winston Churchil. Ron will be the first porn star. I bet he has some stories to tell. Do you know he's been in 1,700 movies. Confidentially, I think that's more times than I've had sex.

There was a lot of fuss recently about the stage musical "Jerry Springer" after the BBC dared to show it on TV. I couldn't see what the fuss was about. Learn where the off switch is if it ofends you, morons! However, the story itself does interest me and it has this week developed. It appears that the protest against the musical was fronted by "Christian Voice". They were unsuccessful in their attempt to stop the screening of the opera, but they have since, according to the BBC news site, managed to persuade a cancer charity to return a substantial donation from the show after threatening demonstrations. Nice work, so now the cancer patients are not able to benefit from the money. Good work boys.

I'm not going to rant here about this. Christian Voice makes me sick and I'm not going to waste my time on them. However, it's good to know what life from the shallow end of the gene pool is up to; so have a look at the BBC report here and then go and have a look at the Christian Voice website here. When you've finished, reprot back here.

That is all.


At 9:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, just testing comments here looks COOL! Visitor from DD landPS and It is soooooooo nice to have tags checked! most welcome feature!


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