Monday, March 07, 2005

Rumble in the Night

Monday morning hair picture.

So, is it getting lighter?

Sunday morning, 3am, woken by bloody great earthquake. I don't mind earthquakes. I just wish they would arrive at civilized times. It was a 5.7 or 5.9, depending on which report one reads. That's a big one. Nothing broken though, just things falling on the floor. It was actually followed by a slightly smaller quake, 30 seconds later. They seem different in the dark. Sumedha says they are "spooky" when they come at night. I think the thought of having to run into the street straight from one's bed is what makes the difference.

But now it is Monday morning and the sun is shining, which is indeed welcome. I have missed the sun. It's still cold, but cold I can deal with. It's almost spring-like here.

I had to work on Saturday which screwed up any chance of doing anything exciting. I have a feeling I forgot to clock out, but I'm keeping quiet about that. Not a lot happened on Sunday either come to think of it. We did visit Gong Guang for a spot of shopping.

Got a call from the parents last night and it seems they have discovered this very journal. So in future I must be careful what I write. Or alternatively use it as a devish means of passing misinformation around.

You know, there are many things that I don't much like about this company, but I think the lavatory comes top of the list. It smells like the elephant house, it always looks disgustingly filthy, and there is only one cubicle for all the male staff. Actually there is another cubicle that houses one of those devices which is no more than a hole in the floor and two footprints, but I'm too scared to try that. It seems that every time I visit, there is something to offend me. Usually it's some bastard that has settled in the loan cubicle with a cigarette and a newspaper, sometimes it's the soap dispenser. The soap dispenser seldom actually contains soap and recently the little lever has jammed, so no soap comes out even when it does. On Saturday I became agressive with said lever and actually did mannage to obtian soap, about half a pint of it, all at once.

Today the lavatory reached a new level of offensive. On my second vist it locked me in. It was my second visit because a bastard with cigarette and newspaper had prevented my entry on the first attempt. I'm sure it was sabbotaged. The cubicle has one of those locking bolts. It's difficult to operate since the door doesn't fit properly, and this morning, as I was trying to force the little bolt into its hole, the knob came off and dropped on the floor. I heard it drop but I couldn't see it. I was sure it had gone under the door and out into the sea of urine beyond. I considered the possibilities. Do I wait for someone to come in and suffer the humiliation of attempting to explain what had happened and then wait for some 70 year old man with a hammer to release me an hour later? Do I climb over the partition and escape wihtout telling anyone? I decided to do what I came in for in the first place and think about it.

Well, my calm and collected approach paid off. I spied the missing knob on the floor, within reach, and I was able to screw it back into place and open the door. Still, not a good way to start the week.

I keep hearing that there are up to 200 Al Queada terrorists on our streets. I am not however hearing anything to support these claims. I don't think Sir John Stevens has the faintest idea how many terrorists there are on British streets. He doesn't even know how many illegal immigants there are. I wouldn't trust the British police to sit the right way round on a toilet seat. Look at this idiot with the gun. What the hell is he doing posing for pictures like that?

The most worrying news that emerged this weekend for me was the fact that China is passing legislation that effectively allows them to invade Taiwan and prevent a declaration of independence. I just hope I'm not here when it happens.


At 8:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I usually go down to the toilets on the third floor. It seems the people down there respect the toilets a lot more. Much more pleasant.

I had the same problem with the soap too... I'd given up, and about 10 seconds later it came out -about half a pint, incidentally- and all over the benchtop. James

At 4:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last time Tweed had hair that color was (to my knowledge) circa 1997.

Blonde hair + black hair dye = t-rouble.


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