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Well Mark McGowan hasn't replied to my mail, chicken shit. It was pointed out to me yesterday that "artists" such as this do actually provoke a reaction, and that Idiot Boy McGowan may even claim that a reaction like mine was positive as it was what he was hoping for. It was also suggetsed by the same person, that perhaps someone should artistically beat the crap out of McGowan and exhibit the pictures. He should be pleased to be part of such an artistic project. Well we can live in hope that a suuitable artist exists to carry out that installation.
It occurs to me that McGowan could end up in a serious amount of trouble for this stunt. If he really has keyed 47 cars, that's a lot of expensive repair work. Lets say each car will cost 500 pounds to repair. That's almost 25,000 pounds he will owe. And he's already in debt apparently because he couldn't pay back his student loan.
I was going to mention yesterday that I have gone almost bald. I decided that I was bored with blue hair and it was showing very little evidence of fading naturally, so I just had it hacked back to the roots. I can't remember ever having hair this short in my life and the widow's peak I didn't even realise existed is really quite spectacular. I think I look younger and thinner.

This weekend was spent installing our gear in the new abode. We did just about everything and only mission critical equipment now remains at the apartment. It's quite sad in a way. I rather liked living there. But life goes on and new adventures no doubt lie ahead.
I see the new Airbus 380 is about to start test flights. I really want to have a ride in one. They say that it will be quieter than a 747 and use 12% less fuel. Is that 12% less per passenger? I think it must be. The public debut will be at the Paris air show in Jume, though it may not be able to make a public fly past.
The chief wizards at the Vatican are choosing their new head honcho now. There was apparently confusion and about the colour of the smoke. People even cheered because they thought it was white. But I saw the smoke on CNN this morning and it was nowhere near white. It was black. It took a little while to get going I suppose, but there was no doubt in my mind. I want the Nigerian guy to win because he looks coolest in the red robes.
I have just had an e-mail from the British government informing me that my application to vote from overseas has been received and that I will not be eligible to vote on May 5th. This worried me until I realised that the mail was actually addressed to a complete stranger. I have written back asking for confirmation that I am allowed to vote on May 5th and pointing out that this type of balls up does not fill me with confidence. If I'm not able to vote on May 5th I'm personally going to cause mayhem.
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