Friday, April 15, 2005

Mein Kampf

I think Robert Kilroy-Silk has been reading Mein Kampf. Either that or he has some devious plan to infiltrate the BNP by posing as a Nazi. What hapened to the guy? He used to be a fairly run-of-the-mill socialist. I never liked him, but he never frightened or offended me particularly. I even had some symapthy for the UK Independance Party. I voted for them once because there were Euro-sceptical. But that was before Kilroy-Silk joined and attempted to turn it into the Hitler youth. I think he's gone the same way as Howard Hughes. It's syphillus or something, I'm sure it is.

I did actually manage to produce a live webcam page on the website last night, but I got in trouble because I should have been packing things into boxes for our move. I believe I have calmed the troubled waters by promsing to come home early today and empty cupboards that have a risk of cockroaches. Sounds horrible I know, but we live in a hot country and we have cockraoches the size of family cars.

I've had a request from a reader for the story about the airport metal detector and the intimate body piercing. I wrote briefly about this a while back. I'll recount what happened in a minute, but first some background information. I have a large ring through my manhood, largely the result of a drunken bet in a pub many years ago. I always used to remove this thing before flying because I was worried about the metal detectors picking it up and having to show the old chap to a complete stranger. However I conducted a clever experiment on one trip to ascertain just how sensitive the detectors were. I removed all metal objects, except the ring which I carried in my pocket. This experiment seemed to prove that the machines weren't sensitve enough to pick up the ring and from that point on I never bothered removing it.

However, I was once traveling between Taipei and London. It's not possible to get a direct flight and this particular journey was via Singapore. I've traveled between Taipei and London many times, but this was the first time I had been through Singapore airport. As usual I had not bothered to remove the ring and the Taipei detector let me through without incident. When I changed planes in Singapore however, I tried to walk through the metal detector with a mobile phone in my pocket, probably a sign that I'd had one too many lemonades on the previous plane. This of course meant that the alarm sounded and I was taken to one side where they gave me the once over with a hand held detector.

The young lady noticed fairy quickly that my willy appeared to set the alarm off and shot me a puzzled look. I got a little nervous but ventured, "belt buckle perhaps?" At this point I was slightly concerned that she was going to ask me to remove the belt. I'm sure she didn't believe me. However, after a pause that seemed to last about an hour, she waved me on. In retrospect, it would have been better to admit everything right from the start. But that wouldn't have been much of a story would it?

Lots to do tomorrow as we are performing stage one of our move to Hsin Tien. Exciting isn't it.


At 6:53 am, Blogger Richard said...

I feel suitably fulfilled now I've heard the full version of the Singapore knob-ring story.


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