Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Faith in education

I know I had something that I was going to write about today, but I can't think what it was. Never mind, it was probably boring. I think it was about Michael Jackson again. There was a story yesterday about Jordy Chandler's mother telling the court that Jackson pleaded with her to let them sleep together in the dame bed. Too weird for me.

The Conservative party has come up with an extrordinary idea of providing more faith based schools. I can't say I'm against faith based schools, but I would have thought that the concept of forcing religion on children is probably outmoded and I can see all sorts of accusations of prejudice resulting. Apparently the plan is to provide state support for faith based schools where they are asked for by communities; not just Christian schools, but Islamic, Jewish etc. But the schools have to abide by the same regulations as other state schools and accept 10% of their students from other faiths. Now there's a recipe for disaster if you ask me. I swear the Conservative are trying to lose this election.

I didn't get a chance to write any more today for various reasons so this will have to do until tomorrow.


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