Friday, April 22, 2005


Yesterday I got frustrated because the damn project manager decided she wanted to make major changes to my web cam document the day before submission. This pisses me of on two counts:

1. She speaks apalling English and has absolutely no idea what she is talking about.
2. We have this argument on just about every single project before the client sees it. It's a first draft you dizzy cow. Show the client, get the feedback, change if necessary - repeat until satisfied condition. What is the point of chaning things just in case the client doesn't like it?

Stick to managing and stop trying to design documents in a language you can't even speak! You know yesterday she tried to persuade me to change a diagram label that said "low light LEDs" to "Irfrared Rays". I should have done it.

On top of that I'm using InDesign 2. I've tried to like InDesign. In fact I would even go so far as to say it would be my weapon of choice if I was writing a 5 page comic book. It is however, the worst choice on earth for anything with any amount of text. I'd rather use PageMaker, and that's saying something.

Also yesterday we were presented with a new Excel spread sheet upon which to deliver our daily report. This is the third new Excel spread sheet for this purpose we have been given in the last three days. I want to know what the bean counters do with all the numbers and letters I send them. On Tuesday James submitted his sheet with seemingly random capital letters which, when examined more closely, spelled out the phrase, "I AM SATAN". This amused me greatly, and though childish, I think it's a good way to make light of the situation.

Something else which got to me yesterday was the lack of response from Swindon Council who are still denying me my right to vote. Ms Amanda Fordham is now refusing to communicate with me anymore since I pushed her to provide me with the information which she claims exists on the electoral regisration website, but which I'm pretty sure doesn't. She referred me to the electoral registration officer who is also refusing to answer my mails. Who do I go to now? Amnesty International perhaps.
It ocurrs to me that the entire electoral system in UK is corrupt beyond belief. You know voting is not even anonymous in Britain now. When one goes to the polling station one has to present a polling card to the people there. Your name is then found in the list (by more bean counters) and a number is written next to it. That number corresponds to a unique number printed on the ballot paper provided. Therefore, if I spoil a ballot paper, they know who did it. Or if someone simply wants to know which way I voted, they can. I'm quite sure this is a violation of the European bill of human rights, which is just about the only good thing about being part of European law if you ask me.

Why does it have to be so complicated? As long as you can prove you have a right to vote and you don't do it twice, surely that's all that matters isn't it? The whole damn system is choked with bureaucracy and I'm paying for it. I think I'm an anachist.

We move tomorrow which might well mean that I don't have internet access over the weekend. I'll probably manage, but it will be a struggle. I was also forced to remove unauhorised software from my work PC this week, so I can't even ftp to the website. I may attempt to reinstate some tools next week, especially if I have no home access.


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