Experiments with hair
Well I expect you're all wondering how the move went. I can confrm that we are now happily settled in our new home. There are still things to pack away, but it's pretty much all over bar the shouting. We give the keys back to the old place tonight. We spent most of the weekend cleaning it.
I cleaned the windows. We have a clever magnetic device for cleaning both sides of the windows at once. We live on the third floor you see, and cleaning the outside is difficult. The thing that sticks to the outside of the window has a string attached to it so that you can retrieve it if it drops. But I managed to get it all wrong and attach the string to the inside piece. I suppose it was lucky I didn't kill anyone in the street below. Actually it landed on the sign for the sushi restaurant below and we retrived it with the help of the guy who lives on the floor below us. He managed to reach it from his window. My original plan was to try and fish for it with the magnet in the other half. I spent quite a long time trying to recover it this way before I realised that it was actually stuck to the metal sign. You live and learn.
I got to work in almost exactly one hour this morning. That's about 20 minutes longer than it used to take.
Work is somehow very oppressive this morning. Sally, quite mad but usually very amicable, is furious for reasons that I cannot fathom, and is not talking to Joanne, or John as far as I can work out. Kally isn't talking to me because I wouldn't stay late and help with a problem on Friday. I had to meet the dragon and she wasn't being very nice anyway. It must be something in the air today. I'm tired, but I have to work late tonight. Actaully I don't have to, but we meet the landlady at 9pm and there is no point in going home and coming out again, so I might as well get as much done as I can.
I finally got an e-mail on Friday that answered my question about the legal issue behind the fact that I can't vote on May 5th. It's bullshit, but I accept that I have become the victim of some stupid law. I'm still pressing for an answer on how the hell I was supposed to know when the deadline was or how it appeared on their website before they knew the election date. It's only an academic point now, but they basically told me that the information was there and that it was my own fault if I got it wrong.
I'm not on-line in the new place yet, so don't expect any website updates or anything for a few days. I can still do the journals at work of course.
Spoke to the parents on Saturday. Mothers first eye operation is scheduled for next month. That will just correct the cataract problem. They are then going to monitor the cornea and make a decision about whether to follow up with a cornial graft. I think she's a little scared about it, who wouldn't be, but it's good news and it will hopefully restore a lot of eyesight that she's lost over the last 4 or 5 years.
The above was written at work. I've had a call from the Dragon to say that we can't give the key back tonight, it will have to wait until Friday. It meant I stayed late for no particular reason, but I did get some work done. I have also arrived home to find that my father-in-law has managed to hook the PC up to the existing ADSL line at home. We now have an Apple/PC network and it all seems to work. Wel it does if you're reading this.
Here is a picture we just took. I call it "Experiments with hair". Look at my eyes.

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