Friday, May 06, 2005

British stupidity

Well as I write this it looks very much like the most corrupt government in British history is about to get returned to power. I can't believe the British people are so stupid, The bloody BBC are writing about it as if he's alreay won. A sad say indeed.

On the plus side, I've had a letter from New Scotland Yard confirming that they have no information about me on their police computers. The British police force is so inept I'm not sure it really means anything, but the good news is, I can now probably get a Taiwanese visa based on my marriage rather than my job. The upshot is, I don't have to return to Blair's Britain if I don't want to. That said, I stil have to have the document notarised and pass a medical. Oh the bureacracy.

I was thinking this morning on the bus that a nuclear explosion would be a wonderful cleansing event in the history of the planet. Ironic isn't it that nuclear energy is considered so environmentally unfriendly. The reality is, it's just not population friendly. It would do the planet the world of good.

And as I write this I see that the labour party has won. I'm just to depressed to carry on. More tomorrow, maybe, if I haven't topped myself.


At 2:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, nuclear (radiation) is environmentally unfriendly. As far as wonderful cleansing event in history goes, I think it's a nice idea but we need something that's less damaging to other, non-human species. Biological weapons anyone? Now there's irony.


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