Sunday, May 01, 2005

Saturday update

Worked so hard yesterday there was no time for writing anything here.

The good news is that we finally handed over the keys for the apartment last night and got back our deposit with no trouble. Actually we cleaned the place for nothing since the landlady didn't even do an inspection in the end. She said she didn't feel well and wanted to go home. So I am typing this the following morning with NT$40,000 in my pocket. Actually we already bought a new dress so it's not quite that much. We're going to look at iPODs today - Woot!

We came home last night on the brown MRT line and motorbiked home from Mucha station. About half way home the dragon got a funny idea in her head that I should drive the motorbike. Not quite sure why this was since I have no licence and I'm a terrible driver at the best of times. But it was only very quiet backroads from then on, so I thought I'd give it a go. I had almost binned it at the eleventh hour trying to hand her the remote control for the garage door, but saved us at the last moment. Apart from that, no serious incidents. Oh, except my shoe fell off at one point.

It was good to see Tony Blair squirming yesterday after the leaking of legal advice from the attorney general. I hope it's cost him the election. It's going to be very close I think.

*break here to go out*

Ooh it was hot out there today. I caved in and bought a mini iPOD. Going o play with it now. More tomorrow.


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