Thursday, May 05, 2005

Almost didn't get it

This week is going quickly. That's probably because theere was no Monday. I have my mobile phone manual finished. It came out at 122 pages, that's 28 pages less than the client suggested. I don't know if that's good or bad. We shall find out when the feedback is returned. I'm now converting a framemaker manual to robohelp. Never done that before. Exciting stuff.

Election day tomorrow. The BBC is showing a frightening rise in popularity for Labour. I can't believe anyone could possibly vote for that corrupt bastard. I can't believe I don't get a vote.

As I was coming to work on the metro this morning I noticed a woman opposite me that had a stack of square cards with holes punched into each corner. She was colouring each corner of each card a different colour. I was thinking I'd seen cards like this before somewhere but I couldn't think where. Then it came to me. About 30 years agao I remember my father making a similar set of cards. It was a card loom. I just looked it up on the internet. I think I might have a go at it myself. Here's one of the links I found.

Talking of links. I mentioend that friend Dave had written a book and it's now available on the internet, but the link I had was broken. So here it is. He wrote to me begging me to buy it again. It wasn't very becomming, but Dave, if you're reading this, I do intend to buy iy, and I'll write a review, so stop the hard sell thing, it makes you look desperate.

This entry was written yesterday and you nearly didn't get it. I thought I left my flash disk at work yesterday, so it didn't get posted. In fact I found the flash disk in my bag on my way to work this morning. Then when I looked on the flash disk the entry wasn't there anyway. I had to search for it on the hard drive. Anyway, here it is. I have more to write later. It's election day now.


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