
You see this woman? She works in my office. Beautiful isn't she? But here's a warning, do not let this woman near your iPOD. She has a sense of humour, and zero foresight. This makes her a liability. Let me explain. She thought it would be achingly funny to turn the display language for my iPOD to Korean. Do you know how long it took us, and I mean everyone in the office had a turn, before we managed to return it to a langauge that someone could read? And this is a translation house! There will be retailliation to follow. I just haven't decided what yet.
I thought I might try some gentle jogging this weekend. I don't know what came over me. There's a 200m running track just down the road from our apartment and people go there to run, so I thought I'd give it a go. There was a time when I could have done 10 laps of that track without even breaking a serious sweat. It has to be said however, that I had to take a rest after the first three. I did continue and finish eight, but that's still nothing to be proud of is it. I have it in my mond to go back and try again. In my defence, it was up in the thirties and humid. Who am I trying to kid, I'm an unfit, overweight slob. I need to drag my enormous arse outside more often.
Jim is not in the best of moods. He managed to leave his new cell phone in a taxi at the weekend. He claims it was a booze related insident. He reckons that someone found it and is keeping it. I hope it finds it's way back anyway. I maintain he's too young to be this cynical.
Friend Sean is opening a restaurant in Ban Chiao this month or next month. I haven't seen him for ages but I was working with him at FIC. He seems to have dumped his job and bought a restaurant. So good luck to him. His first love is actually photography. I don't kow what he was doing in an office anyway.
Just can't think of anything else to write today. Something awesome tomorrow.
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