Sticky feet
Yesterday I decided to change the turtle's water on the balcony and I noticed this little frog sitting on the draining board. He had sticky feet and watched me from the wall for a while.

Talking of the turtles, I just got a call from the dragon to say that Thomas has escaped. She couldn't find him for ages but he showed up as she was talking to me on the phone. I think maybe we need to get them a bigger tank.
I thought I had taken more pictures of the tong oil trees in Hsinchu when we visted at the weekend, but I can't find any that don't feature the dragon fairly prominantly. She doesn't like having her picture on the internet, so I won't post those. I will however post a picture of a close up of the flowers. You just have to imagine many trees, all covered with these little fowers. The Hakkanese people use them to make oil for cooking.

The dragon's not well at the moment. She went to see a doctor yesterday with flu symptoms. This is the big drawback of beiing a teacher. All the little darlings give you their germs. She has some medicine anyway, so we hope she will recover quickly.
It's been positively peeing down with rain all night and the river looked especially fat this morning as I crossed the bridge. I don't like constant rain. It's still raining now.
Did I mention I broke my glasses? Well I did. A screw popped out and the lens came out on Saturday. I got them fixed but it just happened again so I'm back to an old pair now. I need a new pair of sunglasses anyway since I lost my last pair, so I think I may see if I can cut a deal on two pairs.
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