Monday, May 09, 2005

Mouse that is born of woman has but a short time to live

6th May 2005 - "I've listened and learned" - Tony Blair.
Later that same day - Tony Blair returns his personal friend David Blunket to Cabinet, 5 months after he was forced to resign after allegations of deception and abuse of power.

Yup, certainly sounds like he's learnt his lesson.

Reading the news is still too depressing for words. I think I'll leave it a few days until election fever dies down.I did notice that Blair is now facing a rebellion from his own back benchers who want him replaced. There are rumours of a new deal with Gordon Brown for the hot seat. I personally hope he stays on and wrecks the party. I'm also glad Howard has decided to stand down. The man simply wasn't powerful enough.

I expect you're all wondering what I got up to at the weekend. Well actually it wasn't all that interesting. We did go and see the Hakkanese flowering trees on Saturday. I found out the the English name is Tong oil flower. I only knew the name in Chinese. Well it's the same in English it turns out. OK I'm rambling now. I'll post some pics when i get around to it.

I was sort of hoping that we could eat sushi this weekend but we never managed it. We might be able to tonight if I leave early enough and meet the dragon after her teaching.

On Sunday I went jogging again, this time I ran 2.4 km, almost without stopping. It was hot and humid again too. Though not so much as last week. I thought it was a much better showing than the previous week. I should do this every week.

Went to Gung Guan yesterday and bought nothing remarkable. I'm tempted to buy a USB2.0 card for my PC. I must have got the last PC on earth to be built with USB 1.1.

There was a dead mouse here in the office this morning, and when I arrived at around 8.45 I was imediately asked to help dispose of the body. It was quite nicely decayed, stuck to a sticky mouse trap that had been placed in the cupboard under the air conditioner. It must have been there all weekend I think. Smelled nasty.If I had got in first, I wouldn't have known where the smell was coming from.

James wants to buy a manly, Honda, chopper type motorbike. This prompted a discussion about the age of the Triumph company. It turns out that Triumph is in fact over 100 years old. How cool is that?

The dragon has a cold. This probably means I will too in a couple of days.


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