Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I can't think of anything fasinating to write about today. The rain has stopped, except for a little drizzle. John, the Uber Boss at work has announced he is leaving. This turned out to be the worst kept secret in the world. I was told by Michael about a week ago, but didn't believe it. James already knew from Rolf, who works with Michael. Jamie has known for a while because John told him. So evryone pretty much knew. James is also looking like he may have to leave due to visa problems. One has to question the future of this department. Anyway we're all having a farewell dinner at some Japanese place on Friday.

The skull of Tutankhamun has been given to various scientists in an attempt to reconstruct a face for the boy king. The BBC reports that the models produced bear a "striking resemblance" to portraits of the king. I admit that the French attempt does indeed look very much like the portraits, but they knew who's face they were building. The American attempt looks nothing like the portraits. It's miles away. Are you blind? I haven't seen the Egyptian model, but they knew what they were doing too. Here, see for yourself.

Talking of blind, I was thinking; do blind people dream? I mean people who have always been blind, how can they dream anything?

The Conservative leader has said that he wil stand down and let someone else take his place before Christmas. SO why is everyone shouting about him being a lame duck leader?

That's it, I'm out of ideas for today, more tomorrow.


At 10:28 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Tell us more about your motorbike...


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