Thursday, May 12, 2005

Mosquito Swoter

I just spen the last 30 minutes trying to explain what an electronic mosquito swotter is in pigeon Chinese. This is becuase the lady at the post office wanted to know what was in the package I was sending to England. I had to draw a picture in the end. It's Pete's fault. Why does he want mosquito swotters anyway. You don't even have mosquitos there really. In case you were wondering, the electronic mosquito swotter, which I have only ever seen in Taiwan, is a device that looks like a squash raquet. There is a buton on the handle which applies a high voltage to the metal grid bit. The idea is to bat mosquitos with it and knock their radar wonky in mid air. It's fun, but I haven;t seen them anywhere else.

Here's something you should have a look at.

Click now!

This is something that im came up with yesterday. Sorry if you don't have broadband. It's an MPEG, about 2 MB. I won't tell you what it is. It's not rude, it's not really funny, and it's not a trick either. I tried it last night. Watch it, try it.

Macaulay Culkin has taken the witness stand at the Michael Jackson trial and said that he was never abused by Jackson. he did however admit sharing a bed with him while very young.

James says that I should stop messing around with this diary and start writing the unwritten novel I keep boring everyone with. He has a point. This was in response to me announcing that I was having a potential mid-life crisis and that all the really big achievers had already achieved and usually died by my age. My mid-life crisis, we later concluded, was probably down to tiredness. Anyway, the point I'm tryingt o make here is, yes, this diary is, in the grand scheme of things, insignificant, but worryingly, it has become important to me. Maybe I can write a novel in diary form.

I've just read that an American team has produced a drug which they say can boost memory. That sounds liek it may turn out to be contraversial if you ask me.

I think I am going to go to Taipei main station and see if I can't get myself a USB 2 card.


At 6:21 am, Blogger Richard said...

That mpeg has a camera angle change in the middle....I want a slow motion one-cut version! :-)


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