Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Twice and it's only May

Abby agreed with me again. I think that's twice this year now and it's only May.

Almost payday - WOOT! And this month will be especially sweet since I don't have to give half o the landlord or pay for the security guard. Unfortunately I've also just filled in my tax form which no doubt means the authorities will find a way of extracting huge amounts of cash from me anyway.

I'm taking part of Friday off to go and register myself with the Taipei authorities. This is the first part of my quest for a visa based on my marriage. I was thinking I might just claim political asylum and see if geting a resident visa is any easier that way. I could say that I was being opressed by the dictatorial regime in my homeland and feared for my liberty. I think it's a fair claim.

The dragon has oficially signed up with a umiversity to do a teaching course. I'l see less of her during the week, but the weekends will not be affected. I think that's better than her doing the weekend option. It will take her 6 months though.

Don's off with the lurgy today. He's a sickly child. Pink Sally is also away today which means no-one has stolen my iPOD.


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