Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I read yesterday about a couple that injured themselves, apparently fairly seriously, after building homemade light sabers from fluorescent tubes filled with petrol, which they then lit. I half believed the story unitl I read that the couple were adults, and I put it down to dubious journalism. Today however, the story has re-emerged and appears to be 100% true. The incident was videoed by a third person. I know this sounds heartless, but people this stupid really deserve to die. Let evolution take its course.

Did you know that June 5th is world naturist day? Well it is, and to celebrate, there is a new guide to the best nudist beaches in Britain coming out on that very day. I shall be wearing no underwear that day to show my support. Apparently there is a nude beach near my parents place in Devon.

The government is about to unveil its new plans for ID cards after it was forced to scrap its original plan. This time the Tories are saying that they will oppose it unless the need for them is proven. That's better than the original stance. The Liberal Democrats are saying that the Tories are sitting on the fence, and they have a point. Let's see what they come up with this time. It's difficult to believe that they would attempt to promote another blatently authoritarian scheme. It wouild also be somewhat surprising if they abandoned it totally.

I still feel ill.


At 3:30 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Get well soon, you sickly child.

And I don't want to hear anything about you not wearing underwear to work, unless the story has an interesting end to it like last time!


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