Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Bad Day

Yesterday turned into a bad day. We have an internet problem at home. It's becuause we have two users and only a 256K ADSL line. It may be configured badly, but when one of us uses it, the other gets really slow service. The long and the short, I said I'd buy another line. We're only going to be there for 6 months but I need internet to keep in touch with family. Yesterday the internet company came round and told us we couldn't have any more ervices because there are already 3 phone lines and one internet service. He then proceded to bugger up the one internet line that did work and then pissed off, upsetting me, the dragon, and the dragon's cousin in the process. So currently I have no internet at home. And this morning I had no internet when I arrived at work. I know I should be able to live without it, but it's really like having my arm cut off or something. Anyway, everyone was in a foul mood yesterday because of this.

I got a couple of comments about the pay-as-you-go road pricing scheme. Both in the same vain, which eith erindicates that everyone reading my blog is either a sreaming libertarian, or that the government in Britain is suffering from some reality problem. I know where I'd put my bet. The BBC "Have your say" page threw open the question of whether it was a good idea and it was almost universally panned, click. The media however appear to be giving the subject a very positive spin. Surely this should be laughed at from day one? We shall see.

OK, no time for anymore.


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