Friday, June 03, 2005

Think about what you've done!

Well I never amde it to the trade show yesterday. I'm going today instead. This means that today also I am pushed for time.

We had a big earthquake last night. Reports differ as to the magnitude, but it was between 5.4 and 6.0. It was one of those shakey ones that makes everything rattle. No damage though, at least not in our household.

Big news on the Skype front people. I know you're not interested, but indulge me. I have actually managed to buy a British phone number. I'd have given up a long time ago and gone to another vendor if I could have found one. Vonage seems to be the in-vogue choice, but they don't cover Taiwan so that was out. I therefore persisted with Skype and their retarded payment system. The trick is to bypass their security by purchasing Skype vouchers from a thrid party in Hong Kong. It's actually slightly cheaper, I think because of tax, and the big advantage is, they will take your money. You then just give your voucher to Skype and they give you the service. All is well. I still want to kill someone at Skype, and it rather irks me that I have to give them my money at all, but what can you do? If a suitable alternative comes along, I'll switch without a second thought.

The Dutch have voted No in the Europe referendum. Yuo heard it here first. I told you last week if you remember. I wonder what Blair will say now. He's still kicking about the possibility of a referendum in Britain despite the fact that there is more chance of the Loch Ness Monster being sighted in the Thames estury.

Apparently Steven Spielberg has been voted best director of all time by Empire readers. I have therefore resolved never to buy Empire magazine in my life or be seen reading it. It's clearly only read by idiots. I'm not saying Spielberg hasn't made some memorable films. And, despite the fact that he hasn't made anyting I like since Dual, I will say that one or two of his pieces have shown some quality. But best director of all time!?? That's like saying The Sun is the best quality newspaper in the world. What were you thinking people? Go back and watch ET. Then think about what you've done.


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