Wednesday, June 08, 2005


We should get the internet problem sorted out today at home. I'm going to kill someone if we don't. Not sure who, could be just some unlucky stranger walking past at the wrong time.

I got my commute to work totally wrong today. The dragon had an appointment at the hospital for a medical. She has to give some blood, so she couldn't give me a lift to the usual station. I therefore had to travel from Chi Chung station instead of Muzha. I miscalcualted the time completely and arrived about 30 minutes early. I resoved to do some work but instead I am still writing this almost 40 minutes later. I've also checked all my mail accounts, scanned the news sites quickly, and discussed the Sound of Music with Sumedha who also turned up mysteriously early.

The Taiwan parliament set up in 1949 by Chiang Kai Shek is to be dissolved this week. I know this sounds boring and it probably is for people outside Taiwan, but actually it's very significant. The parliament was set up when Chiang was first driven here after the Chinese civil war, when he still had dreams of leading China. He of course failed in his quest, loosing out to Mao. The parliament is however the last political link with the Chinese mainland, and although it has not had any real power for many years, China will not be happy to see it go. The BBC website explains it all very well. Click.

There was a huge spider on the balcony yesterday. It was maybe 10cm across. The dragon wouldn't go on the balcony and I had to deal with it. I tried to catch it in the fish net, but it ran off under the sink. I was going to just pick it up and lob it into the widerness, but it occured to me that it might be poisonous, so I opted not to. I suppose I should make an effort to learn about the wildlife here. There was a snake on that balcony once. I couldn't recognise a poisonous snake if my life depended on it.

The more I think about the incredibly stupid pay as you go road scheme proposed by the British governement, the more I find it astounding. It occurs to me that they simply want to find ways of taxing the driver without having to tax fossil fuel. That way they can continue to collect the revenue as other forms of transport are phased in.

There is an incredible news story on the BBC website today about an on-line game fan who stabbed a fellow game and killed him becsue he sold his virtual sword. Can you believe that? Read about it here. I know one shouldn't laugh, but the quote from the story that I think is most telling is, "My son was only 26 when he died. He was sleeping when Qiu broke into his home. He was barely able to put his pants on before Qiu stabbed him".

And on that note I will leave you until tomorrow.


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