Monday, June 13, 2005

Welcome to my world

This weekend I went to the Museum of International Religion. It was good, though rather too spiritual for my liking. I know that sounds strange, but I'd like to see just a little pure logic allowed into these places. It's just a minor gripe, it was interesting. The most interesting thing about the visit however, was the effect it had on the dragon. She entered a lapsed bhuddist/agnostic, two hours later she emerged into the rain a confirmed atheist. I'm sure this was not the aim of the curators.

She came out muttering something about "people's imagination". She mutters a lot in a variety of languages and I have learnt to let much of it wash over me, but this was clearly of some significance. "It's just people explaining things with nothing more than their imagination isn't it", she said. I agreed. "There's no more reason to believe Christianity than Islam or Hindu religions is there?" I agreed. She smiled, she looked happy. I welcomed her to the word of the atheist. I pointed out that I had been telling her much the same thing for many years. My sister in law also came with us. The visit had a less dramatic effect on her. But she still had a question, "What was all that about the turtle?"

As an aside here, my boss at work on Firday asked me what I believed in and I told him nothing. He claims to be agnostic and he thinks that it's the only logcal path. I thought about this quite a bit. I can't think of a single good reason to believe there is a supernatural deity. I don't discount the possibility, but my general feeling is that there doesn't have to be, and if there is, it would probably generate as many questions as it answered. For me, that is basically not believing in God. I'm willing to be persuaded on that one though.

The rain yesterday was torrential and there was no chance of running, so I didn't. We made biscuits instead. One could argue that biscuits have completely the opposite effect of exercise I suppose.

There were some huge, and I'm talking gigantic, wasps making a nest on our balcony this weekend. The balcony's made a lot of news lately hasn't it. Anyway, my father-in-law tried to poke it down with a stick. Apparently these bastards are nasty if they sting you, and he got stung. His eye swelled up quite a bit, but it went down by the afternoon, so that was pretty lucky. I think he was just half stung. I felt guilty. I told him about the nest and hid behind the screen as he poked it. I'm currently inventing a wasp nest disposal tool.

I finally managed to get hold of a copy of Nine Songs this weekend. I heard about this film months ago, can't remember where. It's a British film by Micheal Winterbottom and it generated some controversy because it was supposed to be pretty explicit. It's touted as an art film though, so I wanted to see it. Well I did, and it's porn. That's not to say I have a problem with porn as such, and as porn goes, Nine Songs is very watchable, it is however nothing without the sex. This leaves me in something of a quandry. Before I watched it, I mentioned it to my sister in law. She's a film buff, watches a lot of the European art house movies, and she said she wanted to borrow it. I said yes, thinking it was just a bit erotic .Not sure I really want to kend it to her now. It is worth watching if you're open minded and like the erotic, but don't expect much plot.


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