Saturday, June 11, 2005

Yes a sink

I'm having one of those days where everything just seems to conspire to bugger things up for me. I couldn't find my keys this morning. I'm sure I dropped them on the subway last night. I remember hearing something drop but then forgetting about it because I couldn't see anything on the floor. I just got a call from the dragon asking me how I feel because she's fairly sure the zhong si (Chinese style lunch) I ate 30 minutes ago had oyster in it. I am hugely allergic to shell fish.

In answer to the Mr Cat6 question, yes we do have a sink on our balcony. We also have a washing machine. Balconies here are not for sunning oneself. A balcony is a practical area of many homes here, usually adjoining the kitchen. They often have bars on to keep out unwanted people. They are invariably used for drying clothes, storing mops and buckets, that kind of thing. Isaw a squirrel hopping about just outside our balcony this morning. I didn't think they had squirrels here, but they do apparently.

The above was written yesterday (Friday). It is now Saturday morning and I have found my keys on the bedroom floor under the chair. Don't know how they got there.

We are forcast heavy rain today, but right now it's hot and humid.No-one is ready to go out and play though, I'm the only morning person round here, and I suspect we will all end up attempting to do something in inclement conditions this afternoon. It'sa holiday weekend, dargonboat festival. I even got a little red envelope bonus from big boss yesterday. No doubt that will be subtracted from the next pay cheque.

The first stage in my attempt to get my website filtered out by the Great Firewall of China has come into play. One reader of my drivel who is unable to use links to the BBC website included in this ramblings so often asked me to e-mail one of the pages to her. Instead I mirrored it on DongXi and she can now read it. I also added the page that claimed the Chinese authorities were insisting that blogs were registered. And that got an interestign response. Aparently the BBC may have exagerrated the story. It doesn't seem as though Chinese bloggers are overly worried anyway.

The Michael Jackson jury has ended a week of deliberation without coming to a decision.

I sort of want to got to Tokyo next week and see the prototype robot expedition, but I'm not sure if it's really a major enough exhibition to warrant the cost.


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