Tuesday, June 14, 2005


So, MJ is innocent, or at least, they don't think he's guilty of the charges brought by the aviso family. Odd, very odd. Was I really obsessed? I was interested. I can't find myself caring one way or the other about the verdict.

Regarding agnostisism/atheism. I don't believe in fairies, I have n reason to believe fairies exist. Until such time as there is some evidence presented, I remain unconvinced of their existance. If the evidence is presented, I am prepared to re-evaluate my position. I feel the same way about God. I call that atheism because I currently don't believe a God exists. In my view an agnostic is someone that believes in something, but isn't sure what.

I have other things to write but no time. Microsoft is censoring it's Chinese users, I'll rant about that tomorrow. James had to run off to Hong Kong, so god luck to you buddy.


At 5:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheers mate. I don't actually mind being here so much, I just wish it really was a holiday and not a visa run!


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