Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Sun should be detonated

My head aches and I'm having a bad day workwise. Really can't be bothered to go into specifics.

The Sun Newspaper, never out of the top three most disgusting tabloid rags in the world, has been patting itself on the back for managing to get a fake bomb into Sandhurst Military College. That's where Prince Harry is studying how to kill people, in case you wondered. As usual the fake bomb was in fact a couple of wires, a battery, and a clock. It never fails to amaze me that journalists think of this sort of thing as such a major achievement. Anyone could have done it you idiots. Read the story here.

Let's put this in perspective. I'll use short words so that even Sun readers/journalists can understand. The only way to protect someone, or some place completely is to take away all access to that person or place. In short, if you want to be sure that no-one unauthorised gets into Sandhurst, you have to block all openings big enough to admit a human being with concrete, and then stand a 24 hour armed guard every 2m around the perimeter to prevent someone making their own door with a sledgehammer. If you put Prince Harry inside, you could be fairly sure he would be safe. Of course, it would still be vulnerable to air strikes, nuclear attack etc. My guess is that, even if those measures were implemented at Sandhurst, some idiot from the Sun would be trying to chloroform all the guards and blow a hole in the wall, all to "expose, for the public interest, gaps in security", as was the case this time of course.

You knobheads have to realise that it's all about striking a balance between the need to protect something/someone, and providing access to that something/someone. Pulling stunts like this doesn't prove that security is bad. And it's not even good journalism. Go and do something worthwhile! We're all bored with seeing you smuggle fake bombs onto the chunnel trains, aeroplanes, etc. I wish someone would smuggle a real bomb into the Sun office and detonate it.

Japan and France want to build the next supersomic passenger plane. I think we've been hearing about Japanese aspirations in this direction for some time. I still don't remember any Japanese designed aircraft however. I want to have a go ont he new Airbus A380. It's been delayed 6 months however. I think the first flights won't be until end of 2006.


At 10:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. Morons, bombs only look like "wires, batteries and clocks" in cartoons and movies. Real bombs look like nothing of a sort. Haven't these guys got something better to do? I feel ashamed for my Bachelor of Journalism.


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