Monday, June 20, 2005

Indian Birthday

Went to a traditional Indian birthday party on Saturday. It was good. I felt outnumbered. There were three white people there, including me, perhaps 10 Taiwanese, and an uncountable number of Indian people. I think every Indian in Taipei was at that restaurant on Saturday night. They know how to enjoy themselves. The food was good and the beer was cold. Actually ordering a drink was a bot like Russian roulette. James claimed the bar man was either deaf or simply had a sense of humour. There was a distinct difference between what was ordered and what was received. I think it added to the experience. Dinna really screwed things up by asking for a white russian. God knows what she got, but it wasn't white.

Sunday morning I awoke with dinosaur breath, but happy.

We drove up to the north coast yesterday. Originally the plan was to visit a traditional fishing village. The drive was long but we did reach said village after a couple of stops on the way at places of interest. I took a couple of pictures which I will post at some point I expect. At the fishing village place we visited a temple. It was one of the more scary Buddhist temples I've scene. Huge gargoyle things everywhere. I always feel very out of place visiting temples. Though I always find them interesting, I'm always scared of making some hideous faux pas. I really don't know what I'm doing. They're always very relaxed plaes in my experience however, and the keepers of the temples seem to like explaining things to the confused looking white guy.

The temple at the fishing village was some long way outside Taipei and the people far less cosmopolitan. I don't think I saw any other white people there. We wandered round the fish market and watched deals being struck and a man very skillfully carving up a huge fish. We also bought some raw tuna which, although sounds quite foul, is really good with a little soy sauce and wasabe. Outside Taipei I tend to get stared at. It used to bother me, but I otice it far less now.

I used to be something of a fan of formular one motor racing, but I got very bored with it when the FIA suddenly seemed to start making the most ridiculous rule changes. I got more disenchanted when the FIA started, in my view, blatently favouring Michael Schumacher. One memorable GP saw Schumacher winning from the pit lane, another time it appeared that his car was illegally equipped with automatic launch facility, but he was not penalised beccause he "wasn't using it". Another time there was controversy over some aerodynamics on his car that was glossed over. The long and the short, it wasn't a race anymore, it was more like a procession, so I stopped watching. I do however still read the news sometimes and it appears that this weekend saw one of the most farcical GPs I can remember.

It would seem that a problem with Michelin tyres emerged during practice. All but 6 cars were using the problem tyres. Michelin offered to help with the problem and fly in new tyres, do some testing. The FIA said that they couldn't because it was against new rules. Michelin advised drivers not to race until the problem could be replicated. The drivers all said they would only race if a chicane could be placed at the problem spot. All the drivers agreeed (except Michael Schumacher's team) but it made no difference because the FIA wouldn't authorise the change anyway. So the race went ahead with 6 cars. Schumacher won, the track was pelted with missiles and many fans went home early. What the hell are the FIA doing? I wonder what their ruling would have been if Schumacher had been on the suspect tyres and was threatening to pull out. It amazes me that anyone watches the tripe anymore. It's a joke.

Tom Cruise became the victim of a prank at the premiere of War of the Worlds when someone squirted him with water from a trick microphone. He didn't take it very well and lost his rag a bit. I can't decide who's side I'm on here, genereally I would say that if you assault a celebrity you deserve everything you get. I think that's my stance here. I'm with Tom.

Apparently it's OK to make reference to things religious in British non religious weddings now. When we were married last year, we were specifically told that it was completly out of the question to have any religious music or readings that made reference to God, Angels, Jesus, Mary, heaven etc. I didn't care, but it struck me as mad. Apparently there is no rule preventing one from referencing Islamic teaching in a religious service. Anyway, now it's all benn changed and you can walk in to the sound of Ave Maria if you want.

Today was a ramble wasn't it.


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