Saturday, June 25, 2005


Friday lunchtime:

I think that today's most interesting news item is concerns the Co-Op bank's decision to exclude the Christian Voice from holding an account with them. For those who don't know, the Christian voice is an ultra conservative and politically active UK organisation. For the most part they have remained a fairly obscure crack-pot covern, but they did gain some column inches recently when they attemted to prevent the BBC from showing the Jerry Springer musical. Thankfully they failed in their bid, but bully-boy tactics from them did succeed in persuading a cancer charity to reject a sizable donation from the procedes of the musical.

The Co-Op bsnk has stated that the views of Christian Voice, particularly regarding homosexuality, were incompatible with their own policies. I take my hat off to the Co-Op on this one. CV are claiming that they are being discriminated against on the grounds of religious orientation. This from an organisation that claims to be against political correctness and openly discriminates against gays, atheists, divorcees, people who want to watch the Jerry Springer musical, people suffering from cancer, people who have abortions, people who have fertility treatment, people who let terminally ill patients die with dignity, people who masturbate, and oh, just about anyone who isn't a bible thumping fundamentalist.

Saturday morning:

Our ADSL died last nght so that's why this never got finished or posted. I appear to have fixed it now, but I confess, I have no idea what I am doing. There are four LAN ports on the back of the modem and I moved the cable from 2 to 1. It now appears to be working. I guess we can assume that we blew a port up. Anyway, I'm not tempting fate by messing with it again.


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