Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Pond scum

I forgot to mention yesterday that I saw Sin City this weekend. What an awesome film. I haven't seen any reviews, but I'm guessing that the usual critics are going to be at least a little negative about it. It's not particularly watchable and it is rather over directed. But it's so imaginative. I've never seen a film that succeeds so well in converting the comic book genre to film. I'm afraid my mind always strays to The Hulk when I think of comics turned into films, and what a disaster that was.

Also, I love films that have intricate plots, and Sin City does. Not only that, it's a plot that works and makes you think. It is a ridiculous story, and it's incredibly blood-thirsty, but I've been thinking about it since I saw it. I'm already thinking about watching it again to get the plot straight in my head. Go and watch it people, but don't eat first, and don't take your girlfrind if you're planning to ask her to marry you or do something roamntic afterwards. In fact it might be a good idea to go without the girlfriend. I woldn't call it a chick flick.

I've been listening to the Any Questions programme on Radio 4 today and the subject of David Bunkett came up. Now I hate Blunkett with a passion of which most people can only dream. I hadn't realised until I heard the radio programe that Blunkett, who was forced to resign in disgrace over his abuse of power involving his married mistress, took a large serverance payment when he left. This severance payment is apparently available to all cabinet ministers who return to the back bench for whatever reason. But this isn't a normal case. Blunkett didn't lose his cabinet role for any reason other than the fact that he abused his position of power. If he hadn't left he would have been sacked. Not only that, he was returned to the cabinet just a few months later. Which all goes to reinforce my view that this administration is the most corrupt in living memory. And Blunkett is still pond scum.

The id card bill returns to the House of Commons today and I think it will be trashed by just about everyone. I was thinking yesterday, maybe the government never thought that they could get the entire bill through. Maybe they never expected to. Maybe they created this ridiculously over-ambitious bill in the hopes that they can cut a deal and just get the bits they really want through. I'm guessign that would be a fingerprint database. They've made a mess of it anyway. No-one wants any of it right now. 86% of respondants to a survey on the BBC website said they did not support id cards. I can't believe the number of clowns out there claiming that they have nothing to hide. I suppose these people would publish their complete medicial, or criminal records, along with an address and telephone number on a public web page would they?

There's been a bit of a blow to the file sharing industry. A US court has ruled that the software companies that produce the software that allows sharing can be held responsible for copyright violations. That's like holding me responsible for a murder because I designed a baseball bat that someone used as a weapon. I think this will be overturned. Funny how Sony worked so hard in the 70s to fight against the legal opposition to the Betamax standard isn't it.

And in other news today, the former mistress of Picasso has managed to make over a million quid selling sketches by him. Seems somewhat mercinary to me. Wouldn't it have been great to offer them as a lottery prize. The voice of Tigger, Paul Winchell, has died aged 82. And here's some trivia for you, he was also the voice of Gargamel in the Smurfs. A sad loss. And it seems that Tom Cruise's outburst, which I mentioned yesterday, has caused something of a backlash from the qualifies pychiatrists of the world, read about it here.


At 5:23 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Oh bums..Sin City was released here on the 1st of April, so I have completely missed it.

I need to get back in the loop.


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