Wednesday, July 06, 2005

My Mouth Hurts

First, sorry, I screwed up the link to the id card story yesterday. If you're interested, the link is fixed, or you can find it here.

Thanks to MIss Tick who sent me this link yesterday. It's the full transcript of the interview between Trevor McDonald of ITN news and Pres Bush. It's enlightening.

Thanks also to Mr Cat6 who agreed with me about there being no evidence to suggest that the ozone layer was a recent developement. He also attempted to provide an explanation as to why the holes form at the poles. According to Andrew, "ozone is thinner at the poles due to the motion of the earth (a spinning top - things will naturally move to the furthest ends of a plane that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation - the equator)". I understand that material in a vortex will natarally spin away from the center. I have a problem with the fact the ozone content appears to be flying to the edge and leaving everything else behind. That's like suggesting that stirring a cup of tea makes all the milk fly to the edge of the cup. I've heard this argument before and I can't really see it.

I spent all yeaterday afternoon waiting to be seen at the ministry of foreign affairs, I have now submitted all my paperwork to the authorities and, unless something unforeseen occurs, I should have a new resident visa shortly. I have had to surrender my passport until 14 July. When I get it back the last stage in the process is at the police station when they decide how long I can stay for.

Britain seems to have been selected to host the 2012 olympic games. I'm sure Blair will be very pleased and begin congratulating himelf already. I suppose one can be at least a little thankful that Chirac's bid was foiled.

No more time, more tomorrow.


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