Monday, July 18, 2005

Typhoon holiday

Today. Monday, we got a day off work due to a Typhoon. This is a good thing of course. It would have been like an extended weekend had I not had to do a shift on Saturday. We were threatened with 200 km/h winds and torrential rain. We did get torential rain, and some wind, though I don'thtikn it was 200 km/h. The subway is however only operating a skeleton service and when I ventured out this afternoon to the convenience store, there was very little happening on the streets. There was some debris and water everywhere, but I've seen worse.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Economic and Social Research Council has today published a report claiming that the Iraq war boosted Al Quaeda and raised the risk of terrorist attack in UK. The really hysterical thing about the publication of this reporrt was its dismissal by defence secretary John Reid, who claimed terrorists will kill anyone that stands in their way. Yes Mr Reid, we stood in their way and thay attacked us, in other words,our actions increased the risk of terroist activity. I never liked John Reid at all, but until this moment, I hadn't realised that he was a living monument to low intelligence.Click.

I'm pleased to say that the dragon has picked up on all my subtle hints about birthday presents and a copy of the new Harry Potter was waiting for me when I got home on Saturday. I'm about 250 pages into it and I think J K has her old form back. It's really good. I thought the last one was a bit of a let down, but this is back up to standard. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, but if you're an HP fan, you should definitely read it, even if, like me, you thought the Order of the Phoenix was a bit weak.

I see that China is intendign to send pig sperm into space to monitor the effects of space travel on sperm. Why don't they send human sperm?

OK, that will do for now. I imagine I'll be back to work tomorrow.


At 11:32 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Happy Birthday you old bugger.

My Emily is still waiting for her copy of the new HP book. We ordered it from Amazon on the grounds that it would have been delivered on Saturday. In fact it only got dispatched on Saturday, so isn't here yet. I sent them an email of complaint about misleading statements on their website, and swiftly received a grovelling apology and $5 Amazon gift voucher.

I think that the Chinese are planning to make test tube pigglet from the ropes of pig jism they are sending into space. So that's why they didn't send man juice into space. Of course why they chose pig is still a bit of a mystery.


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