Friday, August 05, 2005

No work for me!

It's typhooning and we get the day off work today - woot! Actually I have to confess, I am bored. It's not a great idea to leave the safety of one's dwelling with 140 kmh winds and horizontal rain outside. I did just venture up to the roof of our building to see if I could take any pictures, but it just wasn't happening. I returned wet and demoralised. So here we are, playing games and watching DVDs. I feel 18 again.

We were thinking we might go and see Charlie and hte Chocolate Factory but the subway is running a very reduced service and actually getting to the station might be an event in itself. Never mind, we have the weekend to play.

Al Qaeda has released a new video. Ayman al-Zawahri appears to be taking full advantage of the current political climate and is promising more terrorism in London. Where is bin-Laden? Despite the constant bleating from Bush and his boyfriends I'm quite convinced the guy is dead.

And here's something interesting; Blair is on record as denying that his policies had any influence on the terrorisnm in London last month. Al-Zawhri, spokesman for the oragnisation behnd those attacks claims publicly and unambiguously that the terrorism was a direct result of Blair's foreign policy. Bush's response to the new video was embarrassing and said almost nothing. Click.

I'll actually write a proper entry next week.


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