Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Dead fish

Well they're going to have a walk round the shuttle and mend the heat shield stuff sticking out. It seems that they are going to simply cut off the material that has come adrift from between the tiles. That would seem to me to expose the craft to more risk than just leaving it. Glad I'm not up there on it.

Apparently a new planet has been discovered. I say planet, in fact I think they're still trying to decide whether it is in fact a planet or not. It looks to be bigger than Pluto but much further away. I think that's a planet. I heard that they want to call it Xena, after the warrior princess on TV. I imagine that the discovery of this new planet will improve horoscope forecasts. I thought all the astrologers were scam artists and dough heads, but maybe they just need the extra planet to make predictions that actually come true. That was sarcasm in case you were wondering. Funny how astrology couldn't predict that the planet was already there come to think of it.

Two fish died last night and we found them floating on top of the tank. More mysterious is the fact that the smalest fish has gone missing. I can only assume he was eaten. This can't be a good sign.

There really is nothing else of any interest to talk about today, so I'll wind it up here.


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