Thursday, August 04, 2005

11 holes in one

I think I mentioned once before here about the Post Secret website. It's really worth a look if you have a spare 15 minutes and I noticed today that they've posted a video. It's 24MB but I think it's worth the wait. If you like the postcards, you may not like the video so much, though I did. This my firends is what art should be like; personal and imaginative.

The UK government has suddenly started back-peddling furiously over id cards. This rather surprised me. After their original hard-sell, they are now admitting that id cards will be no use for tackling fraud, illegal immigration, or terrorism. They are now pushing id cards as a means of identification. They do claim to be 100% in favour of id cards still, and they are persisting with all aspects including biometric data.

I have to ask the question, why is biometric data necessary when I can identify myself quite adequately and far more cheaply with a photo? I would also like to see how they are going to justify the cost of the most expensive library card the world has ever seen. The Home Office has said that it is going to announce a ceiling on the cost of the cards. That's interesting isn't it. Is that an admission that theie figure is likely to change? What happens if the ceiling is reached before the project is complete? I wonder what figure they will put on it. We will know in October it seems. Click.

Apparently the shuttle has been repaired but thet have found some other problems now. I just watched the video of one of the astronauts removing the "gap filler" protruding from between heat shield tiles. Is it just me or is anyone else concerned that there is now a gap there?

I keep seeing a headline about 11 holes-in-one in a single round. I've been avoiding actually reading the story because I just knew it was going to be rubbish. But I finally gave in today and read it. It seems that North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il claims to have shot 11 holes-in-one in a single round of golf. Not only that, it seems it was the first time he played. So Iwas right, the story was garbage, and Kim is a lying tosser. The question is, why did he make the ridiculous claim? Will his opressed citizens love him for it? Will they even believe it? Does he care? Apparently the opressed citizen are banned from saying anything nasty anyway. I am not bound by such laws however. Kim, if you read this, I challenge you to a round of golf. If I win, I'll take over North Korea, deal? Click.


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