It's fun to stay at the...
I was listening to YMCA on my MP3 player as I came to work. I don't remember putting it on there, but it is, and I was listening to it. And it made me think, there was a construction worker, a leather clad biker, a native American, and ...that was all I could remember. I had to Google the answer when I got to work. What a sad life I lead. Think about it, who were the others? Answers at the bottom.
A new bikini alarm has been developed to stop people from falling asleep and burning themselves in the sun. That's a bit sexist isn't it. What if I fall asleep in my Speedos? Apparently the new alarm sounds every 15 minutes to make sure you're awake. The device will be modeled for the first time today on Brighton beach. Two things strike me here, first I'm not sure Brighton is ever sunny enough to get burnt, and second, isn't it a nudist beach? Click.
According to a new study as many as 1 in 25 fathers are not really the father at all. It's not really clear from the report however whther this just means British Fathers or Fathers generally. It also seems that the conclusion has been reached after examining research over a 50 year period. I can't help thinking that they are talking about paternity tests which would normally only be taken if there was some doubt about parentage to begin with. Sounds like a huge percentage anyway. I'm expecting my child to be mixed race, if it isn't then there will be some questions to answer. Click.
Which brings me to another point. The Dragon has recently suggested that hospitals in Taiwan are very good at mixing up children at birth and, if we are still in Taiwan when it happens, we should be very careful. I remarked that it would likely be he only mixed race child in the whole building, but that didn't seem to make any difference. I will be charged with making sure that no baby shuffling occurs.
OK, theVillage Peopel thing. If you go to the Village People website, you will find that in addition to the construction worker, leather clad biker, and native American, there was also a motorbike cop, a cowboy, and a soldier. The line-up appears to have changed however.
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