Wednesday, September 14, 2005

La la la we won the ashes

I just got back from the hospital. We didn't have a scan this time but we did hear its little heart beating again. I guess we're out of the danger period now. It must be 12 weeks. We have another scan at 5 months apparently. There is one appointment between then and now, but that is just for a blood test, so my presence may not be required. I approach these visits with an equal measure of fear and excitment. I am sacred that the doctor will discover something is wrong. I'm excited when I hear a heartbeat or see our baby. The first three months seems to have gone by very quickly. Almost one third of the way there now.

We won the ashes with the final test ending in a draw yesterday. I didn't do a very good job of explaining the rules of cricket to the dragon yesterday.

We gave away our turtles and fish to a good home this morning. We shouldn't really have turtles when the dragon is pregnant and we can't take the fish with us to England, so we gave them to a kinder garten with a large pond in the garden. It was a bit sad seeing them go, but the kids looked really excied and I think they will like it there.

I've been enquiring about getting the dragon a visa and it seems fairly straightforward actually. I spoke to someone this morning from the British cultural office and apparently she needs to go for an interview. As long as everything is in order they can issue a visa the next day as far as I understand it. She only gets a two year visa to start with, but that can be renewed as long as we don't divorce, die, end up in jail, or something similar.

eBay appears to have bought Skype. I have no head for big business and I don't know what this means. I just hope that it means that Skype's apalling customer service improves.

I've just had a revelation. I'm re-reading the 5th Harry Potter book, Order of the Phoenix, and I think Crookshanks and Mundungous Fletcher are one and the same. That's not a spoiler Abbey, you already read this yourself. Remember, you heard it hear first.


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