Big Butterfly
Work is horrible. I shouted at Peggy this morning. I'm not the type to shout usually, and not at Peggy, whom I like very much. It's funny isn't it that we let work affect us like this. I work not because I want to, but , like most people, because I have to. It therefore surprises me that I care so much when things go wrong. I shouted at someone I liked because I'm going to overrun a deadline. And what's more inportant here, the deadline, or the person. No contest, but I still shouted. And I'm still going to miss the dead line and I really don't feel any better about it.
The BBC reports, "Saddam Hussein has confessed to crimes during his regime - including executions - and deserves to die, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has said". So you want to execute him because he has carried out executions. Iraq has come a long way hasn't it?
I found the most enormous butterfly this morning as I left for work. Actually, I think it was a moth. It was on the steps of our apartment building and I think it was near the end of its life. It fluttered a bit when I blew on it, but it wasn't going anywhere. I took a picture.

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