Tuesday, September 06, 2005


We have more work than we can handle in the office at the moment. The new writer has left because he was out of his depth. I'm suposed to be writing a manual for a PDA/GPS device this week, but it has decided to malfunction and I am using it as an excuse to delay the project. I've just spent a considerable amount of time looking for a faullty image that was crashing Acroba Distiller as it was trying to genereate a PDF. I'm going to be working late tonight.

This weekend was fairly normal. We did make it to Tamshui on Saturday, which was very hot. We also went out for dinner yesterday and ate far too much. I think I just felt a small earthquake. I suppose it could have been a big earthquake from a long way off. Lets hope not.

A new study by Dr Emily Finch, Criminologist from the University of East Anglia has claimed that id cards are unlikely to solve identity fraud problems. I've been saying this for months. Good to see someone with some academic credibility backing me up on this. It's quite an interesting report. Click.

After months of legal battle, the Kazzar people have been told that they are partly responsible for copyright theft by their users in Australia. Kazarr are planning to appeal. The battle has taken so long in the courts however, and the file sharing culture is so dynamic, that no-one uses Kazzar anymore and it's a rather hollow victory. It's also worth noting that this only applies to Australia. This problem will continue until the entertainment industry allows some sort of compromise. Click.

A man woman in Austria has atatcked a Roy Lichtenstein painting in an exhibition with a knife. She claimed it was a fake. I'm not sure why that is a good reason to slash it with a knife, but there you are. The painting was insured for $6 million and I think it will be repaired. I like Lichtenstein, even though he just copied comics. A friend of mine actually owned a real Lichtenstein original but lost it in a divorce and I never saw it. Life's like that I guess.


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