Friday, September 02, 2005


It's lunchtime and I'm sitting next to my colleague Sumedha who is eating nutella directly from the jar using a wooden spatula. I find the whole scene deeply unsettling.

I should mention the storm damage suffered by the people of Louisiana. It looks as though New Orleans will never be the same again. I'm guessing it will be a very long time indeed before all the water recedes since much of the land is below sea level. Blues legend Fats Dominoe is misisng, along with thousands of other people. I've been caught up in few natural disasters but never anything quite that devastating.

The Taipei mayor declared a typhoon day here in Taipei yesterday and we didn't have to come to work. That's why I never got around to writing an entry yesterday. Apparently there is a second storm approaching but I don't think it is expected to be particularly powerful. Yesterday's storm had pretty much blown itself out by lunchtime. I think the worst of it came in the night. There was some flooding and some wind damage, but I've seen worse.

Ridiculusly busy at work today and for that reason I'm going to stop here. I may write something tomorrow.


At 2:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They said now - they found Fats Dominoe now, all in good health...

this disaster does calls for so many questions yet to answer...[sigh]


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