Monday, September 12, 2005

Putting out fires

The typhoon pretty much missed us this weekend. I was expecting Sunday to be ruined, but it wasn't. There must have been some wind and rain on Saturday night as the balcony was swimming in water Sunday morning. But I had no difficulty sleeping. On a related note, the dragon, now three months pregnant, appears to be developing an insomnia thing. I hope this doesn't last. We have our next anti-natal appopintment tomorrow. I don't know if there will be another scan, but I hope so. How old do they have to be before you can see the sex?

Isn't the cricket exciting. As we head into the second innings of the final test against Australia, I see that it's about as square as it could be with Australia all out for 367. England has already lost a wicket but is currently standing at 34 for 1 in the second innings. I'm not really a sports nut, but this is exciting, and I do understand cricket, unlike most other sports. In fact I think the only other sport I think I can really grasp fully is probably Quiditch. I was thinking I might invent an anti gravity device as it's the only thing that really prevents us from playing quiditch.

Friend Dickie has been to a nudist place. I think I want to do that, but the dragon's not keen. He's not posting pictures though, which I think is selfish.

I loath and dispise ex home secretary and reptile, David Blunkett. I don't loath and dispise him quite as much as Tony Blair but there's not much difference. In reality, I wouldn't put out Tony Blair if he was on fire. If David Blunkett was on fire, I'd wrestle with my concience long enough to ensure that he'd burn to death. It's a close run thing. I also loath ex Met Police chief Lord John Stevens. I have slightly less loathing for John Stevens however because he is clearly of astoundingly low intelligence and probably shouldn't be held entirely responsible for his actions. He might survive a fire if I stumbled across it and I was in a good mood. But I digress. It emerged in the news today that Stevens and Blunkett hate each other. It's all in Steven's memoirs (which someone must have helped him write) which are being serialised in the News of the World. The News of the World is coincidentally one of the most unpleasant newspapers on the face of the earth, thanks to Rebecca Wade. I hate her as well come to think of it. This can't be healthy. Do I need therapy?

It looks very much like there are going to be fuel price protests in Britain this week. t would appear that the protest is due to start on Wednesday and carry on to Friday. The plan is to block the refineries. Last time this happened was in 2000 and it broough the country to a complete satndstill. Actually it was lovely. No cars on the road, everyone working from home. I thought it was wonderful. At the time tax on petrol was something like 75%. It's around 67% now I beieve, but we still have just about the most expensive fuel in Europe, at 1 GB pound a litre. That must be around $7 a gallon I think. Frightening isn't it.


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