Thursday, September 15, 2005

I didn't see any elves

OK, first things first. Abby, sorry about that E, don't know how that crept in there. Second, completely ignore my therory about Mundungus Fletcher from the last entry. He appears in Order of the Phoenix with Crookshanks and I therefore conclude that my idea about them being one and the same is in fact garbage. It was based on the premise that they both have ginger hair and bandy legs.

There was no upddate yesterday because I didn't really get a lunchtime. Today I suspect you will only get a short update because I am scheduled to visit a cake factory at lunchtime, and get a birthday present for my sister in law this evening. If you're reading this Mae, just forget that you saw that last line.

If anyone out there listens to the skepticality podcast you might already know that Derek, who co-presents the show, has been hospitalised after suffering something like a stroke last week. I really hope that he recovers fully and that the show gets back on track. Anyone who hasn't listened to the show should click that link above and download some of the archived material, it's really worth a listen.

Brittany Spears may or may not have had a baby. I just read that her husband, who appears to be just 27 years old, already has two children by a former girlfriend, the youngest of which popped out after he started seeing Ms Spears. He doesn't sound like a very serious person to me.

A lunatic in Britain has walked into the Harvey Nichols store in Knightsbridge, London and shot dead an employee working on one of the cosmetics counters there. It would seem that he had been stalking her. He was to appear in court to answer charges of harassment next week. That's now impossible since he also killed himself. From what I can gather, this guy was actually dating the dead woman for a short time and she dumped him, probably because he was a nutter.

I can't understand it. I've been dumped before and it never made me feel like shooting anyone. Well that's not quite true, but I don't think fleeting moments of depression induced rage count. I can't think that I'd actually have shot anyone even if I'd had a gun in my hand with the offending person in front of me during my fleeting periods of aforementioned rage. What drives someone to that? Is it a massive sense of dented male ego? Mad jealousy over the thought of someone else having her? Funny world we live in innit? Click.

You may be interested to know that the cake factory was more like a coffee shop. I was expecting a Willy Wonker experience with elves making cakes, but it wasn't so. The cakes were good though, and so was the coffee.


At 7:42 pm, Blogger Richard said...

For a true (almost) Willy-Wonka experience I can recommend taking a tour of any of the Mars chocolate factories. I went round a couple when I worked for them and have memories of distant conveyor belts and Bounty Bars flying all over the place. They don't let you take pre-chocolate-coating Mars bars off the production line in the UK factory like they do in France though...


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