Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I can't get Open Diary to work again. That's two days in a row. I wonder how long it will be before it re-starts and the web monster blames the huge data loss on hackers again. Actually that is a little unfair. I can actually access the site with the old url and it does appear to be a DNS problem.

At 5 o clock this morning there was a loud thump and the dragon sat bolt upright in bed. Her grandfather had fallen out of bed int he next room. It could have been serious as he is very old, but he was more embarrassed than anythign I think. I stood him up again after making sure there was no obvious damage and he seemed OK. It was difficult to return to sleep however. I wasn't really asleep when it happened.

I also got a strange e-mail message this mornign from an old friend saying, "where are you? I'm worried". I can't work out why that person would be worried about me or wonder where I am, but I'm intrigued. I'll keep you posted on that one.


At 3:57 pm, Blogger Richard said...

How many extended family members do you live with then?


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