Monday, October 03, 2005

Singing Horses

Regarding Dickie's note about The Blind Watchmaker, I'm happy to report that I have already read it and consider it essential reading for, well everyone really. I need to read "Pandas and People" which is apparently the text recommended by pro ID nuts for students being taught evolution.

I saw Wolf Creek this weekend. I heard a review that said it was a nasty, graphic horror film and that on average about 2% of the audience leaves before the end because they can't cope with it. Well it was quite graphic, but it wasn't a complete gore fest. I didn't find it in the least bit chilling, quite the opposite in fact, I thought it was pretty run of the mill stuff. It reminded me of The Hitcher with Rutger Hauer, made in 1986. I'd give it a 5 out of 10. I wouldn't bother seeing it again.

We got typhooned at the weekend again. Apparently it was quite bad in some parts. We saw lots of wind and rain, but we didn't suffer any breakages or other damage.

I just read a story about an electrician in Wales who installed a burglar alarm for a client and at the same time planted a hidden spy camera in a wardrobe in a bedroom. The camera was connected to a transmitter int he roof which broadcast a signal to a reciever in his garage. Did he really think he could get away with it? They discovered the camera (admittedly only after 2 years) and immediately worked out who had planted it. The electrician is now serving three months in prison. Actually three months seems very lenient to me. It makes you wonder just how much of this goes on doesn't it. Click.

I found a cute flash toon thing that I think deserves passing on. You need headphones or speakers, but it is work safe. Singing Horses.


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