Saturday, September 24, 2005


I'm fed up with anonymous ads that seem to be turning up on this diary as comments. I would hate to have to ban anonymous comments so, just in case the prick who is responsible actually reads the diary, here's a message for you; I get e-mailed the moment you leave a comment and it is always deleted in under 5 minutes. If you must advertise your crappy "Ukranian Girls" site somewhere, pay for your own bloody bandwidth you scum sucking bottom feeder.

On a completely different note, Reporters without borders has released a booklet about blogs, how to do it, and most importantly, how to overcome problems with censorship and free speech issues. It is to hit bookshops from today in a variety of languages, but it can be downloaded free from the Reporters Without Borders site. I've downloaded my copy already, but I haven't read it yet.

The above was written yesterday, Friday, but I never got around to posting it. It's now Saturday. I thought I would get a chance to finish and post it today but I got stuck at my sister in law's apartment baking cakes with the wife's cousin's children. I don't remember ever being so bored. I read the paper twice, finished the sodoku (rated hard), read the reporters without borders handbook mentioned above, and still nearly lost my mind. The ordeal is now however over thankfully.

On a more positive point, my sister in law leant me a DVD of a Japanese film called Swallowtial, which might be quite good.


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