Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Lord John Stevens is a Liar

Monday September 19, 2005. John Humphreys interviews former Metropolitan police chief, Lord John Stevens, about the Metropolitan Police shoot-to-kill policy:

John Humphreys - Who did know [about the shoot-to-kill policy] in this case then? You knew, it was your suggestion. Who did know?
Lord Stevens - There was a working party on this that...
John Humphreys (interrupting) - Home Secretary?
Lord Stevens - Pardon?
John Humphreys - The Home Secretary?
Lord Stevens - Oh, um, certainly, senior politicians, of course they knew, yes.
John Humphreys - So the Home Secretary knew without any question. Tony Blair would have known then therefore, without any question?
Lord Stevens - Oh, um, politicians, of course they know and these things are discussed because we have to find the right ways of dealing with them.
John Humphreys - But those specifically, the Prime Minister and Home Secretary would have known?
Lord Stevens - In terms of what operational decisions, yes indeed.

Sunday September 25, 2005. Andrew Marr interviews PM Tony Blair:

Andrew Marr - We know that the Home Office was informed of the shoot-to-kill policy by Metropolitan Police, did you know about it?
Tony Blair - I don't think anyone ever came along and formally asked for consent to the policy of the Met, but I want you to know two things...
Andrew Marr (interrupting) - So you didn't?
Tony Blair - No

So Lord Stevens claims the PM definitely knew about his shoot-to-kill policy, but the PM claims he did not. What can we conclude from this? Firstly it would appear that Lord Stevens is a liar of course, and that Tony Blair doesn't listen to Radio 4 interviews. But, more importantly, I can only conclude that the police force made the decision to adopt a shoot-to-kill policy for suspected terrorists, which resulted in the death of an innoscent man, without involving any democratically elected politicians (unless they sat on this anonymous "working party"). In other words, they independently decided that they were allowed to kill people. Is anyone else scared?


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