Monday, September 26, 2005


The Frying Scotsman visit never happened because Andy has an eye infection apparently. In answer to the Abby comment, the title is a play on words, but has nothing to do with the Flying Dutchman. The "Flying Scotman" is a steam train that still exists and works as far as I know. I don't know who owns it now, or what it does, but it is something all British people know about. So there's a mystery solved for you.

The new Guy Richie Film seems to be a total disaster if the reviews are anything to go by. I really liked Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, I also liked Snatch. His next piece "Swept Away" was so universally derided that I avoided it and put it down to his recent marriage to Madonna, she would drive me mad if I was married to her. I'm going to watch Revolver, to see if the critics are wrong, but I don't have high hopes. I heard his interview and it was so pretentious, I can't see that the film really can be anything but equally awful. This is a shame, because I had high hopes for the guy.

He's gone down in my estimation for other reasons now also. He likes to portray himself as a cockney geezer, but I learnt last week he is infact landed gentry through his mother's second husband, and had a very priviliged upbringing. I don't hold that against him, I just don't like the pretence. It also seems that he has an incredibly poor academic record despite an expensive education, though I find that hard to believe since he is credited with writing his first two films.

I've upgraded my iPod software and it now handles podcasts completely differently. I can't say that it's worse, it's probably better. I wasn't ready for it though. I don't think Apple is very customer friendly. The manual for the iPOD is awful. I think there are some good tutorial available on-line, but you'd have thought they might have taken the time to produce a halfway decent paper manual.


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