Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I'm tired and I've just discovered that I have to work on Saturday October 8th. In itself that's not so bad, I have to work about 1 Saturday in 5. But that weekend is followed by a public holiday on October 10th. Which means I don't get a long weekend, pah!

I've been sent the new Harry Potter film trailer. It looks so good. I know I'm a child, but I'm really looking forward to it. Click.

It seems that Apple has admitted that the new Nano iPOD has a problem with the screen. I think it's too small. I can't really see the fascination with making things smaller all the time. If my iPOD was much smaller I'd lose it.

New writer started work with us today. First impresions, I like him. He's a bit tall, but we won't hold that against him.

After I commented yesterday about the fact that the former Metrolpolitan Chief of Police was clearly lying about his shoot-to-kill policy and it emerged that he gave his own staff the right to kill people in the street without any public debate, something occured to me. In his interview with Andrew Marr, Tony Blair claimed that it didn't matter that he wasn't asked for consent because he agreed with the policy anyway. Isn't it slightly worrying that the PM is happy for the police force to be entirely autonomous?


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