Pictures from inside the womb
I touched upon the exciting news yesterday that our new baby waved at us. I wasn't there however which annoyed me. Next month we will go for a detailed scan and we should know what sex it is. Actually, maybe someone who knows what they're looking at could tell now, but I certainly can't. Here are the pictures anyway. Click for larger image.

As you can see, there are some helpful diagrams there from the dragon to help you work out what's what. If anyone thinks they can spot a penis, I'd very much like to know about it.
There was also a birds eye view done. This is to measure the head size. Not sure why they need to know, but here it is anyway.

Not such a spectacular picture. Next month we get a high definition scan and the option of a 4D scan which would mean we get a 20 minute movie of young Herbert dancing. Quite looking forward to that.
Absolutely nothing happened in the news or in my life apart fromt he above, that requires retelling here. So, here I will leave it today. I still have a sore throat by the way, and lots of snot.
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