Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It waved!

I have a sore throat.

The dragon went to hospital this morning to check on our baby. My presence was not required because it was just scheduled to be a urine test. But, wouldn't you know it, they did a scan and the litle soldier apparently waved at them. I can't believe I missed it. Anyway, I'm told we have pictures and I guess I will post them tomorrow. We went to see a presentation by the National Geographic channel at the wekend and we learnt all about 3D and 4D scans. I'm hoping we can get that done because it seemed to show some amazing images.

I can't believe how fat Boy George has got. And Sumedha says he doesn't have beautiful eyes anymore. I can't say I ever found his eyes beautiful to be honest. He didn't look like the guy that used to prance around in Culture Club when he touched down in England yesterday. I'm confused about the events leading up to his arrest. He called the police to report a burglary apparently. The police found cocain in the apartment and arrested him. And now I'm reading that he is also charged with falsely reporting a crime. Something doesn't seem right here. Who calls the police to report a crime that isn't happening and then invites the police into his home with several grammes of cocain lying around?

Is it my imagination, or has Madonna formally lost the plot? What is it with her and this Kabbalah garbage? It seems to have screwed up her husband as well. She's written a song for her new album about a 16th century Jewish mystic called Yitzhak Luria. Apparently however, the song has upset the rabbis that guard the tomb of this guy, because it's forbidden in Jewish law to use the name for profit. She's going to receive punishment from heaven it seems.

I see that the British government are now going to shelve plans for the proposed smoking ban. What ever this government does, it buggers about and ultimately achieves nothing. First they try and produce am "almost" total ban on smoking in public in an effort to please everybody, now they scrap that because it would "fail to meet health fears". So farting about doing nothing I suppose is a better answer is it? That satisfies all "health fear" concerns does it? It doesn't matter which side of the debate you favour here, everyone must agree that doing nothing is the worst possible option.

This weekend I watched a Penn and Teller Bullshit show about PETA. In the past I have always assumed PETA to be harmless freaks. It seems however that I was rather ill informed. PETA are very closely associated with the Animal Liberation Front who are basically terorrists. And, since they have to make their accounts public due to their charity status, it can be seen that they even fund the ALF. Specifically they donated $70,000 to Rod Coronado who has spent time in jail for fire bomb attacks. Nice people. Incidentally, everyone should watch the Penn and Teller Bullshit series, there's some great stuff there. It's a bit profane here and there, but it is well researched and they have covered some really unusual topics.


At 4:03 pm, Blogger Richard said...

I also have a sore throat.


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